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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

Y5 Curriculum

Summer 1 2024

This is what Year 5 will be covering in the first half of the Summer Term. 


This term we are focusing on playscripts where the children will rewrite part of a WW2 story book into a playscript. Following this, we will then create a set of instructions on how to build an airraid shelter/gas mask box. 


We will start our maths off this term,  by looking at adding and subtracting decimals with different decimal places. This will be followed by recapping on equivalent fractions and understanding fractions of amounts. 

We will focus on convertin different measurements as well as looking at metric and imperial units. This will help us understand area. 

By the end of the term, all children will be confident in identifying and measuring angles using protractors. They will be able to compare and identify acute, obtsue and reflex angles. 

We will finish the term off by looking at and describing position as well as focusing on reflection and translation. 

Through daily maths sessions we will develop time skills, mental arithmetic and graphs. In all areas of maths, we will be applying our knowledge to word problems and reasoning questions.


We will begin learning all about World War 2. 


We will be focusing on living things and animals. 


This half-term we will be looking at making 3D models using clay. 


We will be using YUMU on iPads to compose our own pieces of music. 


The children will be developing their skills of Athletics and Equipment Gymnastics.  Our PE days will be on Monday (outside) and Friday (inside). 


We will be developing our Spanish vocabulary about our Home.


In wellbeing, we will be focusing on Health. We will look at good and bad drugs, what to do in an emergency and how to resolve bleeding.