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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

Y6 Curriculum 2023/24

Year 6 Information

Welcome to the Summer Term 2024!

I hope you all had a nice holiday and are ready for the new term and what an exciting one it will be!

SATs take place this year week beginning Monday 13th May. I have put a timetable on Seesaw and below on this page. Please take a look so that you know the order.

Alongside our learning, we will be practising our leavers’ play and assembly. The children all have a copy of the script.

We have Sports Day coming up – keep a look out for information about this – and will be visiting the Gibberd Garden later in the term – details to follow.

I wish you all a wonderful last term.

Topic Name: Immigration

The children will be looking at migration to Britain. We will revise the chronology of immigration to Britain from previous topics (The Vikings/The Romans) and investigate how this shaped the Britain we live in today. We then turn our attention to the chronology of World War 2 and the Windrush – and why and when migration to Britain was possible.


We start the term by completing our writing linked to Harry Potter. The children will compose formal letters, create potion instructions, write poetry, and finally make a persuasive booklet. We then move onto various mini-theme writing units with a narrative focus and then begin an exciting new topic: Steampunk. Children will develop their science fiction writing but with a ‘Victorian meets modern day’ twist.


We start the term with the four operations alongside revision of measures, geometry and fractions, decimals, and percentages. We will continue to revise all prior learning, including reasoning and problem-solving in the build-up to SATs. Alongside maths each day, the children will have daily maths sessions concentrating on fluency, time tables, shape and time.

Science – taught by Mrs Higgs

Our topic is Light.

In science, children will learn how light travels and how reflection and refraction can impact this. They will also learn how the eye sees and basic parts and functions of the eye. Children will discover the work of Isaac Newton in relation to light and the colour spectrum.


We will learn about a textile artist named Maurizio Anzeri, linked to our DT unit, who incorporates sewing into pictures. The children will revisit sewing skills from prior learning and apply this to their work inspired by our artist study.


Our topic is Multimedia. The children will learn and develop their skills on Excel. They will collect data and use different software to present their findings to younger children in school. This will be linked to this year’s Science Week. More details to follow.


We are pleased to have a specialist Ukulele teacher coming to school each week. The children will revisit and revise prior learning, whilst developing their playing and composing skills on the Ukulele further.


P.E. sessions will take place on Monday and Friday. Our Monday slot will continue to be outside.  Our lessons will centre on cricket, dance, athletics, and Outdoor Adventure Activities (OAA). The children will work on movement, attacking and defending and game situations. They will work on sequences, movement and performing in dance both collaboratively and individually involving equipment and floor skills previously learnt.


Our big question for this half-term concentrates on the disciplinary focus: philosophy.

How do Buddhists explain suffering in the world?

We will begin to analyse and evaluate a range of philosophical answers to questions about the world around us, including questions relating to meaning and existence: looking at St. Augustine as an example of a Christian Philosopher.

Begin to analyse and evaluate different ways in which philosophers understand humanness, incorporating what it means to live a ‘good’ life. 

Using well-chosen pieces of evidence to support and counter a particular argument.


In Spanish, our topic is Being Healthy. The children will build on their greetings, likes and dislikes, building up to being able to talk and discuss a topic about locations around the world. The children will take part in small groups and independent work where they will practice their oracy in Spanish.


√We continue with ‘Living in the Wider World’ where we look at discrimination, stereotyping and how to challenge these effectively and then later in the term we will learn about money and common associated risks, the impact of debt and how money can be gained or lost and the damage this can have on one’s emotional wellbeing. Later in the term, we move onto our ‘Healthy’ unit and transition.