Romeo, Romeo
Years 4-6 experienced a visit from five Young Shakespeare Company actors to perform Shakespeare's heartbreaking story of 'star-crossed love' in a fast moving fully-costumed interactive production.
The play was vividly brought to life around and amongst the children and included them to create dramatic scenes such as the masked ball at which Romeo and Juliet meet and the street fight in which Mercutio and Tybalt are both killed.
Throughout the performance the children became actively involved in the play through a range of drama and language activities. They were encouraged to explore the motives, thoughts and feelings of the characters, imagining, for example, how Juliet feels as she takes the sleeping potion from which she may never wake up. Children were also chosen to become individual characters in the story and given the opportunity to speak and enjoy Shakespeare's words in short, accessible sections.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the performance.