London's Burning!

We were excited to share the fantastic afternoon Year 2 had this Wednesday, as they were visited by our partner schools, Tanys Dell and Harlowbury.
Adding to the excitement, four firefighters arrived in their fire engine to deliver an engaging talk on fire safety, perfectly aligning with our ongoing learning about the Great Fire of London. The highlight of the day was witnessing the firefighters set fire to the children's 17th-century houses that they built in class. Together with our partner schools, we watched in awe as the firefighters swiftly extinguished the flames. To cap off the memorable event, we even joined in singing a round of "London's Burning" with our newfound friends from the other schools. It was an educational and thrilling experience for all involved, and we are so thankful to every adult involved in both schools for the planning and preparation.
A special thank you goes to Mr Townsend for cleaning up the aftermath!