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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life


The school has four ‘houses’: Fawbert, Barnard, Gibberd and Moore.  The first two earn their place as the founders of the school.  Sir Frederick Gibberd was the Master Planner of Harlow New Town and the artist Henry Moore lived not far from Harlow and was commissioned to create a piece for the New Town.

Children collect reward tokens for their houses which are announced weekly.   There are rewards for the house each half term with the highest attendance and overall tokens.  House captains organise the houses to vote for the reward they would like to have if they are successful.  There are also cups and shields for sports and fun events. 

Children are placed in the same house as older siblings as far as possible.  From time to time we work together in houses, for example in curriculum weeks.

Best House  – highest half termly attendance

Summer 1 2024 Fawbert
Spring 2 2024 Fawbert
Spring 1 2024 Fawbert
Autumn 2 2023 Moore
Autumn 1 2023 Fawbert

Pancake race 

2024 EYFS-Year 3 = Fawbert / Years 4-6 = Moore
2023 Fawbert

Sports day 


Overall winners

  2024    Fawbert
  2023    Fawbert

Best House – highest Half termly tokens 

Autumn 2 2023 Moore
Autumn 1 2023 Gibberd

Saunders cup for overall highest attendance 

2023 Fawbert  
2022 Fawbert  

Trustees Trophy for overall best house

2023 Gibberd
2022 Moore