When : Wed, 16 Oct 2024
Time: Evening
Location : Harlow
About this event
PACT welcome you to join us for an engaging and informative community talk at Passmores Academy hosted by PACT for Autism.
This talk is for adults over 18 years, Parents and Carers, Autistic Adults, Neurodivergent Adults, Friends and Allies, school staff, services, employers, and all the wider Community.
There will be two talks - you can attend both or one but you must arrive promptly during the start time and break time as we understand not everyone will want or be able to attend both talks. The price ticket price remains the same.
6:30 pm venue open
7pm - 7:50pm Firsts talk starts - Dean Beadle
7:50 - 8:10 break / change over time
8:10 -9pm second talk Starts- Robyn Steward
9 - 9:30 pm Panel and questions
9:30pm Venue closes
Who will be presenting the Talks and what will Happen?
Dean Beadle : Over 20 years of speaking at conferences, seminars, webinars and delivering inset training around his experiences of being autistic. He has spoken across the UK, Europe and Australasia. He is also a singer and writer. https://www.facebook.com/dean.beadlespeaker/
Robyn Steward: Author, Co-host of BBC Sounds 1800 seconds on Autism, musician and mentor. For More information on Robyn https://www.robynsteward.com/
Tickets :Per person
£5 - Parent/ Carers/ Autistic/ND adults/Allies/Friend/Family member.
£5 - ND adult/access seat (end of row only book if needed) as limited number.
£10 - Professional / wider community
All tickets are available to book now, they will be advertised more widely on our social media from next week.
If you are unable to afford the tickets and would like to attend, then please contact us on this email - bookings@pactforautism.org.uk