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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life


Science Intent Statement

At Fawbert and Barnard’s, Science is about developing the children’s sense of enquiry and extending their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Alongside this, we use a range of teaching methods with an emphasis on providing a curriculum, which develops and extends the children’s scientific concepts and enables them to be curious about the world. The children learn to work as scientists, planning and undertaking practical investigations. Within our beautiful grounds the children learn to take care of their environment and enjoy growing food and flowers in our class planting beds.


We intend to create a curriculum:

  • That enables all pupils to be confident with the basic principles of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Know, more, remember more and link learning together through the implementation of our ‘Big Ideas’ approach.
  • We want children to be confident to discuss scientific concepts using scientific vocabulary, which they understand.
  • We want the children to be curious about the world around them, asking questions about how and why the world around them works.
  • We want the children to experience science first hand and to have enjoyed studying the subject.
  • We want the children to see themselves as scientist and know that this is a career they could work in.










We aim to ensure the curriculum is implemented so that:

  • All groups of children are able to enjoy and achieve.
  • Pupils secure the necessary knowledge and understanding of important concepts across all subjects in the curriculum
  • Teaching is responsive to the needs of our learners and steps are taken to address pupils’ gaps, misconceptions and difficulties
  • Teaching materials, strategies and work given to pupils is ambitious, coherent and matches the school’s curriculum intent
  • Working scientifically aspects are taught through the different subject units.


The impact of our work will be reflected in:

  • Our pupils’ achievements, including attainment in comparative judgement tasks and formative assessment activities
  • Pupils’ work is of a good quality and children can describe their understanding using taught scientific vocabulary. 
  • Our pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education.